So, first we had to set it up. The hard part was getting the wires to stay on the terminals of the 9-volt batter. We tried electrical tape, but it was too slippery. So then we went with masking tape and that worked better. There is one piece of tape over each wire and terminal, plus another piece of tape over both.
We definitely got bubbles going off our wires when we got them in the water once we used the masking tape. If you don't get bubbles, your wires are not taped to the terminals very well.
And here you can see how the copper started to turn that blue-green color copper usually does. It was kind of weird that it only happened to one of the wires. Not sure why.
We're using the Knowledge Box Central lapbook journal lab reports with the introduction and procedure all filled in. All we have to fill in are the observations, diagrams, and summaries. We also created a page with these pictures to go with her lab report.