Recap of 2017-2018
Tigger and Pooh completed 8th grade. They really did pretty well. Tigger took a writing class at our co-op. I'm not sure I'll do a separate writing class again, though. That really challenged us time wise. They both did Physical Science labs at co-op. VideoText was not a good fit for Tigger, so we have switched to Saxon Algebra 1. He is actually enjoying it. (He completed the pre-Algebra section of VideoText twice last year, the second time through, he was finally getting it.) Pooh has continued through VideoText.
When Summer Gets in the Way
I had great plans this summer for math, language arts, and computers. Sigh. Real life often gets in the way. It's all good stuff, and I know it will work out. We joined in with friends from our co-op for a graduation celebration, and that interrupted us getting started. Then a camping trip, birthday, and another trip to visit family provide more interruptions. And then two basketball camps in July will mess with the schedule. We're continuing working through math as the days allow. For computers, I'm teaching Tigger Scratch and Pooh Java programming. My husband has noticed that they aren't very good typists, so would like them to work on their typing.
Fall Plans
Dare I lay out our fall plans? Sure, why not. First, Ancient History and Literature from My Father's World for Bible, History, and English. Plus, the boys will be in Awana Journey, so that adds Bible, too. They both volunteer at our Cubbies/Sparkies/Truth-and-Training club, so that takes care of their volunteering efforts for the Bible credit.
Science will be Apologia Biology, with labs at our co-op. Hopefully they will be able to work those more independently this next year.
Science will be Apologia Biology, with labs at our co-op. Hopefully they will be able to work those more independently this next year.
Pooh will do VideoText, and Tigger will do Saxon Algebra 1 for math. Right now we are following the My Father's World lesson plans. I teach the lesson rather than using the DIVE CD. None of my kids have been big fans of the DIVE CDs. Math is one subject I will be helping both boys with. I think having someone guide you through math over and over, and explaining the thought processes behind what you are doing is necessary.
Tigger is going to do Spanish 1 through our co-op. I'm debating whether I need to add a little more. The teacher does weekly quizzes and sends home vocabulary, and has a project to do each semester, but I'm not sure it's 5 hours worth of work a week. I'm considering whether to just add DuoLingo time, or getting a curriculum like Breaking the Barrier to beef it up some.
Pooh is going to do the Java programming class as his sixth credit. I'm teaching it at our co-op this year, so I hope to have him a couple of weeks ahead so I know where the pitfalls are. Right now I'm going to use Stanford's SEE Introduction to Programming Methodology as my base, and then facilitate to help the students write the programs. I'm excited about the possibilities.
They will both do P.E., one day a week. Tigger is hoping to try out for basketball at the local high school. They will also continue music lessons and playing in their various worship bands.
They will both do P.E., one day a week. Tigger is hoping to try out for basketball at the local high school. They will also continue music lessons and playing in their various worship bands.
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