Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Week 2, Day 2 in ECC

Today we got way off schedule, but that was because of the science experiments. I should have picked just one, but I did both. (A lesson learned for next time the teacher's manual lists two experiments - just do one.) We did the celery experiment - at least got it started. Here's our beginning picture of the celery stalks:

Then we planted 4 apple seeds. We had apples yesterday for lunch, so I soaked them overnight. Letting them each take a turn to put potting soil into the planter made it take sooooo long, and they spilled it all over mom! For her notebook page, she drew a cut-away view of a flower and we typed up sentences about "boy parts" and "girl parts" and that's how the seeds are made.

Geography wasn't too bad, but she didn't like labeling the map. She was looking at the big wall map, and then trying to write small on the map for her notebook. She isn't very good a writing small, and looking up at the map, and then down to write it was getting her frustrated. I offered to spell the names out loud for her, but she got huffy over that.

I didn't get in all the Brain Integration Therapy today, but I did get in some. The boys did do bulletin board school today. I'm thinking I may switch that up and do it during their preschool time as Rabbit is having trouble not dominating.

The other night at our Keepers meeting, one of the other moms said she just spends the first 30 minutes of school doing the Brain Integration Therapy, except the "Writing 8's." I have considered that, but another book I've read on the subject suggested doing the exercises through-out the day. For example, do the "Eye 8's" right before reading, as that exercise is meant to help with eye-tracking while reading. So I need to go through our schedule and just pick which exercise to do with each part of the schedule.

The short lessons for English, using Primary Language Lessons, have been a blessing. As right now she has been fighting writing, I've just been doing them orally. We're doing a few of the second grade lessons that I think Rabbit needs a little review on. She does fine with it. I told her as we move on, I will expect her to do some writing, but for now, answering out-loud is fine.

She was able to watch the math lesson and get one page done while I put the boys down for a nap, and then we did another page. I hope we finish up this week, and then do the unit test and final exam next week. I'm looking forward to moving on to multiplication.

For the art project - the chain paper dolls - Rabbit decided to draw her family on the dolls. That was a great way to make it her own project. If something is her idea, she will enjoy it much more.

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