Friday, September 5, 2008

Week 3, Day 3 in ECC

My goodness! Well, the morning actually went well, until I told Rabbit it was time for Spelling. We used Spelling Power last year, and she really liked it, so I was going to do it again this year. I was working on lunch, so I asked her to come into the kitchen for us to do it while I started making things. We had done the placement test yesterday, and after that, I decided to just start over at the beginning of Level C again, as she had only made it through 5 groups before we finished last year. We only got through 5 words before she missed 3. She spelled "family" as "famly," even though I clearly pronounced the /i/ and she clearly said the /i/. She spelled "asked" as "askt," and she couldn't even spell "paths" without melting down.

Someone else on one of the MFW yahoo groups mentioned reviewing phonics. I beginning to think I'm going to have to. Rabbit can read - she's reading at a fourth grade level. But, she has a disconnect between the sounds and the letters when it comes to hearing them for spelling. She hates writing, but I feel like I need to review each sound and have her write them as she says them. It's like the connections never got made. It's hard to believe she forgot how to spell over the summer. Okay, so that was my frustrating moment for the day.

We played the Geography Game with the States - and she remembered 35 from all our reviews last year. I thought that was great. She confuses Nevada and Nebraska (they both start with "N") and Idaho and Ohio (they both end with "o"). She also had trouble with the smaller states on the East cost, and then she got Wyoming and Montana backwards.

I really like the Wild Places book over the Living World book. Rabbit decided to draw a picture of an oasis for her science page today.

Doing the read aloud at lunch works pretty well. I feed them and read. Then when I'm done reading the chapter, I eat. They are a captive audience that way.

Rabbit is only doing about "B" work in math. She did her lesson 30 test yesterday, and her Unit 4 test today. We looked over the final and decided that we'll need to review rounding/estimating before we do the final, as we haven't reviewed that in a while. Everything else looks okay. So, we'll have a review day on Monday, and attempt the final on Tuesday. I've been using Math-U-See's online drill this week for math drill. And really, her "B" work isn't that bad. I can usually see what her mistake is because she shows her work. Usually it's subtraction, and she forgets that if the number in the column on top is not the biggest, she needs to borrow. Again, that reversal thing, like she does in reading.

We read some more in our Pathway Reader again today. I think the morals in the stories are excellent, and she really gets something out of them.

For the boys preschool today, we read Lentil. What a fun story. The boys really liked it. Then, we got the Lauri lower-case alphabet out, and I pulled all the letters out, connected all the puzzle pieces, and had the boys try to put the letters back in. Then they each laced up a few letters. They love the lacing stuff, and Pooh is really good at it. He can look at something Rabbit does to her shapes or letters, and then copy it without us really showing him how. Tigger, on the other hand, needs help getting it started, as he's too likely to pull the string all the way out, and then he's pretty random in his lacing unless he really concentrates on it.

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