Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Week 11, Day 2 in ECC

Well, yesterday we just finished what we missed on Monday. That took us our full 4 hours. And then we had today.

We started with the usual - Pledge, Awana Verses, and then Bible time. We read our verses, and then read a little about Nate Saint that is in the Teacher's Manual. We talked about how even taking revenge without killing is wrong, so that was a good discussion, not that it carried into our day our anything.

Geography was quick - just reading in our Illustrated World Atlas. (Can I say that I've heard that some people don't like this book, we do?) Then on to science. We read about jungle birds, and Rabbit picked a hummingbird to trace for her science page. (Then we had a hiccup in the home computer network, and it took me 15 minutes to get the page to print - arrhg!) We also had a science experiment - to see how strong the "arch" shape is. It called for using egg shells and then stacking books on it. Here is our first book:

So, we added books and books. Rabbit was afraid of the eggs collapsing, so we used small books. Here is our picture just before the eggs collapsed:

Then finally we added one more book, and the two eggs on this end of the photo collapsed:

So, we weighed the books, and it was 13.5 pounds of books. But, we weighed without the last one and it was 11.5 pounds of books. The last book weighed 2 pounds. It would have been interesting to try again using smaller books, but we were out of eggs by now.

So, that took us most of the morning, then at 11:10 I realized we needed to leave at 11:45 for Rabbit's dance class, and I still had to feed the kids lunch - aaaaahhhh! Okay, so I quickly made them sandwiches, grapes (okay, so I didn't make the grapes, but I did rinse and pick them off the stem), and potato chips and managed to start a crock pot meal for this evening. Plus, I got Rabbit's hair up into a pony tail. (Faster than a speeding clock, stronger than frozen pork chops - it's a bird! No, it's a plane! No, it's Super Mom!)

After dance, the boys went down for quiet time, while Rabbit did her next math quiz. She did great - only missing 1 question. Then we still had writing-eights, English, spelling, reading, poetry, Spanish and math drill. So, we breezed through all that and finished up with an art project. We did a Carnival Dancer. I went to Michael's this last weekend and found some floral wire that had rafia wrapped around the wire. The wire seemed pretty stiff, and it was all they had. Then, we used the yarn I had bought for another project, and the quilting quarters for another project. The final result:

Rabbit wrapped one foot, the legs, and arms. I did the first foot, torso, and head. Having the rafia wrapped wire was good because the yarn kind of clung to the rafia. Also, we used a little Elmer's white glue to hold the yarn in place at the beginning and the end. The wood was a piece of left over scrap from our Awana pine car derby. A fun project, and the boys wanted to do one too, but there just wasn't time.

So, we finally finished at about 4:15 this evening. Whew. I'm hoping light Friday's will fall on Wednesday again soon.

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