Monday, August 3, 2009

Week 1, Day in CTG

We did it! Hooray! We made it through the first day of school, teaching 3 kids. Here are Pooh, Rabbit, and Tigger:

I started off doing Bible, History, and Science together. I think it might have been a little over the boys' heads, but it was good. I bought a notebook just for writing down "What does this passage tell us about God?" Today's answers: "God is all powerful. God has always been here." In History we read from Dinosaurs in Eden. The pictures of the dinosaurs were a big hit. It didn't take too long to read it. Then, we read the introduction in our science book. The kids loved the silly puns and fun discussion. They were ready for it to be done, though.

Rabbit worked on her handwriting page, addition math windows, history notebook page, and book basket while I taught the boys. We did lesson 1 in Abeka's K program. Then we did the first lesson in Math-U-See's Primer. Next we did some exercises from Handwriting Without Tears. One of the exercises was a trick to show the kids how to hold their pencil properly. It was funny watching Pooh do that the rest of the day, every time he picked up a writing utensil. Tigger already has a good pencil grip. I think the boys were a little disappointed that their time was over (we spend an hour together), but they had no problem running off to play.

Next, Rabbit and I worked on her Singapore Math. This was a number pattern lesson, and she was really struggling with it. Finally, she got to the last problem, which was a big puzzle to fill in. (It looked like a crossword, but there were patterns of numbers with blanks, and she had to fill in the blanks.) I didn't think she could do it. She was getting frustrated, so she took her book and ran off to her room. About 20 minutes later, I went in and checked on her, and she had figured out all but 4 blanks on the puzzle! I was amazed. I helped her think through how to fill in the last 4.

Then we did the first lesson in Intermediate Language Lessons. I let her do it orally. Then we read from her Pathway Reader and she filled in the workbook pages for it. She didn't answer any of the questions that required a long answer. I was fine with that. She just did the fill-in-the-blank types. I'm letting her use a pen for some of her writing, and she really likes that.

After lunch, they had recess, and then I did the "Lesson on Frustration" from God and the History of Art. None of kids could make any marks on their papers with their pencils in their mouths.

Rabbit trying:

Pooh trying:

Tigger trying:

So, then they tried with their "non-writing hand" and that was hated as well. After that, they just colored their copy of the butterfly.

The boys had their quiet time, and Rabbit needed about 15 minutes more of school to get in our requred 4 hours. So, we did spelling. Things took a turn for the worse on attitude about then. We got through the lesson, but she lost computer priviledges for the day. In talking to my husband about that, he suggested we go back to the attitude chip cups we did last year. Last year we had paper clips, this year I have the pretty decorative marbles from Michael's Craft Store that are flat on one side. I made a cup for each child and will begin implementing immediately. I need to come up with a chart of consequences. Last year if she lost 5 chips, she lost computer time. I also made it so she could earn chips back by doing extra chores. I need to come up with consequences for losing more than 5 chips. I need to find un-fun stuff.

I feel pretty good about our first day, in spite of the attitude issues. We got it all done, and I didn't end up in tears!

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