Monday, November 30, 2009

Week 14 in CTG

This week Bible and History cover The Exodus through all the laws. We talked about eating manna every day for 40 years. (What if we had to eat pop corn or Cheerios for every meal?) That would get old. We talked about why God had to give them the new laws.

(It was interesting, I found a book through the library by Gilbert Morris called By Way of the Wilderness - it is a historical fiction (with a little romance thrown in) of the account of the Exodus. It had some interesting points - true or not, I don't know. First, that the Israelites had been slaves for 400 years. They didn't know how to behave themselves without someone ruling over them. They'd rather be slaves and know what the day held, than be free and face the unknown. So, they needed someone schooled in being a leader (like Moses). Second, how Moses being a shepherd for 40 years (hmmm, weren't other great leaders, like King David, shepherds too) really helped him lead his people and care for them. Anyway, it was an interesting supplement for me to read while studying the Exodus.)

Science was a little better this week. We didn't do "The Little Guys...Again," but we read through it. We did try "The Good, the Bad, and the Tasty," but we weren't able to get any "bubbling" effect. I suspect our water may have been on the cool side. (I bake bread regularly, and use the hottest water out of the tap I can get for my sponge.) We didn't do "Floating in the Salty Sea." Rabbit said they had tried an experiment like that in Sunday School once as an object lesson, and they couldn't get it to work. We did do the "Parfait of Color" - using syrup, water, olive oil and rubbing alcohol (only 4 layers) - and that did work. I think we'll try the yeast experiment again someday, with a little bit warmer water.

Art lessons were more interesting this week. We learned about Primary and Secondary colors and filling in a color wheel. We tried mixing to get Secondary colors, and then "pure" secondary colors. It was hard to mix.

We'll be finishing up the Abeka reader we started several weeks ago. Rabbit is loving the story. We'll go back to the Pathway reader next.

Everything else is going well. Writing Strands is a bit harder for us. I'm not sure I'm doing it justice. Much of the time I'm writing and Rabbit is copying - we do discuss, but sometimes I wish she would come up with ideas. I have a friend who has IEW that I may borrow to review. Something more "formulaic" may work better for us. We'll see.

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