Sunday, October 24, 2010

MFW 1st Grade - Up to day 50

We've been cruising along with MFW 1st Grade. I think Pooh may be dyslexic (just like big sister Rabbit). He loves science. He loves being read to. He loves looking at the Come Look with Me books. He mostly enjoys doing math (but not always). But when it comes to reading, well lets just say it is very hard for him.

We've basically continued on as scheduled in the TM. Having the days in between learning new sounds where we read the Bible reader has been good. I use those extra days to review and reinforce sounds and play games.

Tigger just plows on in the reading. He doesn't get upset if he misses a word or anything. Sometimes he shows signs of dyslexia, but not like Pooh. It's also great to see him trying to write. It is very phonetic, often using the wrong spelling for the sound of /er/ (mostly ir), but he keeps begging me to teach him how to spell. So, I may be getting out All-About-Spelling level 1 before I intended to.

For Math the last month or so we've been working on adding to 18 using only single digit numbers. I vary which manipulatives we use to do this project. As we got to above 10, though, we've pretty much stuck to the Math-U-See blocks. I just felt it was easier for them to see how it worked.

The boys join in with RTR Bible, History, and Science. They love the science.

The hardest thing for me has been to get the library books for the science. I always forget to look ahead and get them reserved from the library. That is something I really need to work on.

I set up their timeline boards. What I did, since we already have a timeline up on the wall for Rabbit for CTG and RTR, I got those 3-fold science project boards to use. I drew 6 lines across (spaced approximately 6 inches apart). Then I put each beginning marker on a new line. Here's a picture to show you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I was just wondering where you bought this board? I think it is a great idea. Thanks!
