Wednesday, September 11, 2013

ECC 2nd Edition: Week 4

Doing worksheets with 3 kids has been very challenging, especially with two spelling-challenged kids. We were doing the comparison between the Deciduous forest and Coniferous forest page. I was writing on the whiteboard, but then I had to write for Pooh. So, I ended up calling out spellings for the other two. Sigh. Even doing the little crossword was a challenge trying to help the kids with spelling the words that go into the blanks. I did find that the vocabulary pages went better when I just left the book out and told them where to look stuff up. They actually took turns pretty well.

I think doing the U.S.A. these last two weeks has definitely had a different flavor since we did Explorers to 1850 and 1850 to Modern times the last two years. It seems really superficial as compared to the first time. (We didn't do Adventures the year before the first time, we had switched from Abeka.) I think part of that is how much U.S. history we have done the last two years.

Science felt easier this week. We even did the "Advanced" Properties of Ecosystems assignment on Day 4. But, because we did both Living World Encyclopedia and Properties of Ecosystems we didn't do a science page for Living World EncyclopediaI like doing the draw-your-own notebooking pages for Living World Encyclopedia, though. I type up a sentence or two for the kids as they dictate it to me, print it out, and give it to them to draw the picture. Tigger likes to trace from the book. Pooh tries to sketch something. I've decided Rabbit doesn't have to do Living World Encyclopedia draw-your-own pages, she has enough work as it is. 

We finally started on working through Matthew. There hasn't been much to "discuss" at this point. We are enjoying Hero Tales, but I think Pooh doesn't really like copying the character quality - but it's good for him so I make him do it!  For the Window on the World prayer list I wrote them on pocket chart strips and put a small pocket chart up in our school room to refer to for prayer time. I may print something up each week, though.

Finished the first section of Kingdom Tales. I've loved it. Rabbit says it sometimes makes her feel bad. We sorted it out, though. Went ahead and started Cameron Townsend. I like to stay just a little ahead on the read alouds.

The boys were a little confused about two step word problems in Math this week. The first time they were presented they were one step of adding and then subtracting (or vice versa). The next set was multiplication and then adding, subtracting, or dividing. Pooh got confused because he thought they could only be adding and subtracting . He got upset and had to go to his room until he calmed down. But, now he's got it. The rest of the week went fine, and I'm excited that we're heading into 2-digit multiplication next.

I had heard good things about Timez Attack as a math drill program, so when Homeschool Buyers Co-op had a coupon this week, I went ahead and got it. Here's the thing: the kids actually want to try it AFTER school, too! So, I think that is really good.

Pooh has been having a hard time with spelling, so I got a  free Spelling Test app for my iPad. I put in the words from our current step in All About Spelling. Then every day after I drill the  yellow, red, and blue cards I let him use the spelling app to practice the words. Today, he got all the words correct, writing them on paper! Yay! Now, he still has to do sentences for this step, but he got the spelling words. I also got the Logic of English app for him to work on his phonograms. They have some different sounds/sayings for some of the phonograms, but he needs more practice than I can give him each day.

We did the Calder Mobile project for Art over the weekend. I think either tissue paper or scraps of cloth would give the "desired effect" better. Here's a picture: 

Rabbit had one experiment this week. It was pretty cool. Here is the video:

My advice, if I were to redo this experiment, is to run the hot water in the sink during those 5 minutes the bottle is sitting in the bowl. At least at our house, it takes a long time for the hot water to get to the kitchen sink.  I think that would have a more dramatic effect. Or, use a second bowl, already full of hot water.

(I must admit, I had a little fun putting that video together. I was amazed how easy that was in Windows Movie Maker. I combined 3 different shots into one video. I feel like I have super-powers now!)

We have a church picnic this Sunday, so I'm not going to do a barbeque or anything. I will make one of the recipes that we like from last time (New England Pumpkin Cake) to take to the picnic. Just trying to enjoy the process.

I must say, I am really looking forward to week 5. Hopefully we'll get into a good routine. We'll see how it goes!

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