Monday, December 1, 2008

Week 13, Day 1 in ECC

No, we didn't skip week 12, Day 5 - we just did Bible, Vocabulary and Math last Monday before we went on vacation, so I could get Monday in the Teacher's Manual to line up with Monday in Real Life™.

It's usually hard to jump back into school after vacation. For Rabbit, things have gone well. She seemed excited to get going again. The boys have had a harder time, as they are interrupting much more than before vacation.

Rabbit decided she wants to try to complete a whole Discovery in her T-n-T book. It's not too bad. She already knows the books of the Old Testament, and it's only about 3 new verses. The challenge will be finding 2 people to bring to Awana. For Bible time, we read and prayed for Bulgaria. What an interesting story there. Geography and Science went well. Then Rabbit and I discussed using Tell Me More online versus Power Glide. Rabbit felt like Tell Me More was more for older people, who may have heard Spanish before, and just need practice. (I agree. There are no pictures, like Rosetta Stone, to learn new words. They have lists of Spanish with English translation, but it's just not the same.) So, we're going to go through Power Glide Spanish level 3 again, this time working harder at listening to the stories, and learning the words. It was good to make the decision together, and have a mature conversation with my 8 year old about it.

While Rabbit was working on her copywork and science pages, I did preschool with the boys. We used the Pegs and Pegboard and played some games. We did patterns and counting games. Then we did a little calendar time. (We visited my brother last week, and he has the My Father's World first grade curriculum, so I got some ideas from that.) Then Rabbit and I did writing eights while listing to Edvard Grieg. Rabbit did beautiful work for her science page - tracing and coloring.

After lunch we had English, math, spelling, reading and music. It was good. No fussing. It felt good to be back into normal routine.

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