Well, Rabbit didn't complete all her sections at Awana last night because it was Store Night. So, we still have half af the sections to work on. That's fine. She'll know the rest of it pretty well. Then for Bible time, we read about Albania from Window on the World. What a sad place. I didn't know anything about it there until reading. They need lots of help. We worked on our memory verse. I saved the French John 3:16 for her seatwork time.
After that, we started Geography. Since we're in a new country, that took a while - France! We decided to sail from Norway to France, so while we were pretending to sail, I read a little from one of our library books on France. The boys decided not to participate today, but I went ahead and added the stickers to their "passports." Then we did the rest of the activities in the manual.
Our science reading today was about how plants and animals have had to adapt to humans and their towns and cities. We read about how foxes, racoons, and gulls have adjusted their lifestyles to rummage through trash. Rabbit, however, decided to draw and write about how flowers now grow where ever they can, not just in open meadows.
Then we did Snack and Spanish time. For Spanish, we repeated Friday's lesson, as it is a fun one. It is the Spanish version of "John-Jacob Jingleheimer Smit" (or however you type that). Even the boys joined in. I let them have a 20 minute recess, while I shifted laundry and gathered up Rabbit's seatwork.
For seatwork, Rabbit had her Science page, French John 3:16, verse copywork, and math windows addition drill. I worked with the boys for their Awanas. The problem is, I don't know whether we should do the next regular lesson, or do the Christmas page, as next Sunday is the last class for this year. I guess I should call their teacher, huh? After that, we read "The Pancake Boy," as it finally came in from our Prospector system. Pooh thought it was a very funny story. Then I gave the boys their copies of the French John 3:16 to color.
Next it was time for writing eights. Rabbit really gave me a hard time about them, and lost computer privileges for the day. Then we did English. It was a narration. So, I read her the story, and then we went to the computer, and I had her dictate her re-telling back to me. I printed it out, she read it to the boys, and we filed it in her notebook. She did pretty well. Since she wasn't done with seatwork yet, I had her do that, rather than book basket, while I made lunch.
During lunch, I read the first chapter of George Muller's biography. What a rascal! Then Rabbit said she wanted to rest, so I sent her off for half an hour, while I ate lunch and cleaned the kitchen. Then, I put the boys down. Rabbit was all teary when she got up, so I walked her through her page. Then, when we did spelling, it was to review last week's words. So, I allowed her to spell them verbally. She only missed one from all of next week. The next list is a "review test" and then a Delayed Recall Test. I'm thinking about skipping the "review test" as Rabbit gets frustrated when we review too many words she's already missed.
Then we had poetry and reading. She's going to read her poetry for Presentation Day tomorrow. She knows it pretty well. Then she did reading just fine. After that, I had her do her math windows for adding. She requested only 5 minutes - I may have her do another 5 on Wednesday, just to round it out. Finally, we finished up by listening to the 3 songs on the Wee Sing Around the World CD specified in the Teacher's Manual.
Not sure why Rabbit was all teary after her rest time. She may have gotten some dairy this weekend. She has also been off one of her supplements for a couple of weeks (fish oil), and that may have caught up with her. Or, maybe she's just plain old tired.
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