This week we finished out the plagues. Starting with boils and hail... well, we didn't tape red paper patches on Pharaoh and his officials. But, we had a really bad hail storm earlier this summer, so we talked about that and how the Bible said it destroyed the crops. For the plague of locusts we talked about what they are and how they can eat everything green. An interesting note in my study Bible said that the plague of darkness may have been a horrible sand storm, "darkness they can feel" was the wording. The death of the first born was very sad for Rabbit. She doesn't like sad things happening.
Science was frustrating. The first experiment - getting string/thread to melt into an ice cube so it would stick - we could NOT get it to work. We must have tried 7 or 8 times, different strings, different amounts of ice, different ice cubes. Here is one picture of our many attempts:

We did the White Powders experiment. I didn't have any aspirin, so we used vitamin C tablets instead. It was easy to see what dissolved and what didn't. Actually, the vitamin C didn't completely dissolve. We didn't do the pH indicator with the cabbage. But, I do want to go back and do it sometime in the future. We just didn't have time to make our indicator juice.
The rest of our subjects (Math, Spelling, English, Writing, Reading, Spanish) are going well. We've moved writing to Thursday and Friday, as often there is writing in English, and that would be too much for Rabbit.
I'm not sure Rabbit is totally enjoying the art lessons. They take a bit of work, and I think she would like them to be easier. We did start learning about Bach this week, so that was good.
We started Treasures of the Snow. Yet another book that is going to be awesome to read to the kids.
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