This week, History covered building the Tabernacle. A hands-on activity, and worth every effort. Now, we didn't have enough scrap fabric of the right size to do all the curtains - we used fabric for the curtain that separates the Most Holy Place and Holy Place, and then we used tissue paper and packing paper for the curtains over the top. The first day, you make the Most Holy Place and the Ark of the Covenant. Here's our Ark:

The next day you make the Alter of Incense, Table for the Bread, and the Lampstand. Here they are, placed in the Holy Place:

Then, you put the curtains over the top, kind of like this (you can see the purple tissue paper, then a layer of packing paper, then yellow tissue paper, and then packing paper again):

The last two days, you make the Bronze Basin and Altar of Burnt offering, and enclose it with the Courtyard Curtains:

(I just love how it fits perfectly on our coffee table.) We didn't glue the curtains together - and we forgot to color the front curtains. Not gluing will allow us to "pack it up" easier. The pictures in Victor and in my study Bible really helped give a feel for the whole thing.
For Science we are moving into studying Sun, Moon and Stars. We go camping in the summer, so the kids have seen the night sky. It's very cold here at night now, so Rabbit and I only spent a few minutes outside. We did try to spot a couple of constellations. For "Slow Motion in the Sky" - we went out to dinner one night, and before we left, we found a constellation and made note of where it was in the sky. Then, when we came back, we saw where it "moved" to. Then, the "Galaxy in a Cup" experiment - well, we don't drink coffee. So, I used warm water and blue food coloring. Stir the water, drop in a drop of blue food coloring, and viola! spiral galaxy:

We didn't really work too hard at memorizing the planets in order. What is really cool is next summer they will be redoing our local park. They are going to do a solar system/space theme. They are going to put markers across the park to show how far each planet would be from the sun to scale! I see that we're suppose to do that next week, and we'll still try, but I think it is going to be cool that we can go over to the park and see it too. The people designing the park said that the scale they are using will just fit all the way out to poor old demoted Pluto.
In Art, we did Tertiary Colors and Coloring with line. Rabbit didn't really do a great job on Coloring With Line.
We did a little school on Monday of Thanksgiving week - memory verse test, vocabulary test, and a Math quiz, so we wouldn't have a week off and then 3 tests. Rabbit did fine on all of those. Math-U-See added in reviewing of multiplication of 2 digit numbers, and Rabbit remembered how! And, she didn't miss those on the quiz. (She reverses 42 and 24, so she always gets 6x4 and 6x7 mixed up. Those were the problems she missed on her math quiz.)
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