Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week 29 in CTG

I feel like we've been at cruising altitude for a long time. Seems like we've figured out how to do things.

In Bible this week we studied from Sennacherib & Hezekiah to Jeremiah's time. This ties into what is going on in History during this time. Assyria declines (they got too big for their britches), and Babylon becomes the dominant power of the time. We see God's graciousness to Judah, as they survive as a nation longer than Israel does, due to good kings enforcing God's commandments.

We finished up Genesis for Kids this week. We didn't do any of the experiments. But, it was a good ending, and neat to be reminded how God created us and this earth.

On Monday we went ahead and finished The Children's Homer. The story got too exciting and we wanted to find out what happened next. We stopped after each chapter and summarized and read the questions/suggestions in the teacher's manual, but it was fun to finish it ahead of time.

Rabbit decided to do her own story this time for Writing Strands. The text implied to write a story to go along with the author's ideas. Rabbit was not into it and wanted to come up with her own outline. So I agreed. She likes it better when it is her idea, I think, so we get less fighting over it. She has diligently worked on her story.

We should be able to drag out the last few steps in All About Spelling book 4 to finish out our year. Will probably order book 5 and continue through the summer.

We are also about to finish Singapore 3A. Only 6 more lessons to go. We'll be doing 3B through the summer. I'm trying to decide if I should double up on "easy" lessons so we can get through it a little faster. Hopefully we'll get through 4A and 4B next year.

Every thing else seems to be fine. I see a little attitude cropping up every now and then from Rabbit, but if I don't overreact we can usually get through it.

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