Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1850MOD Week 4 Day 1

Not bad, considering we started late... We finished by 2:15!

We got started 15 minutes later than my intended start, and then reading about David Livingstone took longer than expected. No problem, though. Then we did our regular routine through the morning. It was funny, when we got to Math and Handwriting time, Pooh wanted to do Handwriting first, and Tigger wanted to do Math first. Since it was a Practice page from the text book, it wasn't a problem. Tigger took his math notebook and went outside (I wrote all the addition problems down last night, and then copied the page from the textbook so they could work the word problems on their own). Pooh did his Handwriting and then started on Math. Eventually Tigger needed some help, so I went out and helped him on the last 3 word problems. He only missed 2 of all the problems. Then I showed him how to write his letter for Handwriting Without Tears, and made sure he could do it correctly and he went back outside to work. (We have a picnic table he can work at.) Pooh plugged away, and then I helped him on his word problems too. He only missed one problem. The amazing thing was, I expected that Pooh would take way longer to do his math, but he was done in about 5 minutes after Tigger came in with his handwriting book. 

We did the U.S. Facts and Fun book - I read the story, and then they answered the questions themselves. They did book basket while Rabbit and I read our History. Over the weekend, I went through the T.M. and wrote the disc numbers and track numbers from the Story of the World on CD so I can find those faster. Rabbit did a great job answering the Review Questions and the Outline. She's picking this up quickly. We didn't do the science project, but we did read it. I could see 4th and 5th graders doing that one, but not so sure about 6th - 8th graders.

After lunch I had the kids watch a video on Florence Nightingale that was listed in the Book Basket list - it's due back tomorrow, so I wanted to make sure they had watched it. Then Rabbit and I did math and I checked her Reading, Spelling and English. She did her science this morning (there were no experiments), and I had a short moment where I could go over the On Your Own questions with her.

They all finished piano after Rabbit was done with math, and the boys did some time on the typing software, too.

Overall, a good day. (Well, except the boys lost Wii privileges.)

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