Thursday, September 13, 2012

1850MOD: Week 4

Well, to be honest, I didn't post about this week because this last Monday was one of my worst days ever as a mother and homeschooler. The little school around the corner was highly appealing, and I didn't want to have a pity party on my blog, so I decided to cool off before posting.

We are enjoying the Bible lessons. It is mostly me explaining, but sometimes the kids jump in. We don't always answer the Young Person's Guide to Knowing God questions out loud, but I can tell it is making us think. And Rabbit is asking me hard questions like, "How do I grow up to be a godly woman?"

Spelling has been a struggle for Pooh. A combination of writing neat and then not hearing the words right gives him trouble, but as the week has progressed, he is getting better. Tigger keeps bounding along. Rabbit is doing pretty well in her spelling book, and I noticed in her writing she is trying harder words (but usually spells them wrong).

For the English lessons for Tigger and Pooh, I made little worksheets for them to fill out. Pooh complained, but did his. Tigger was glad to get something done quickly. Rabbit did okay with Capitalization. I was trying to figure out how to grade her page. She got all the things that needed to be capitalized right, but she also added 2 more things that didn't need to be capitalized. They are wrong, but how many total possible do you count?

Both Tigger and Pooh finished a reader this week. Rabbit is still working on the Progeny Press guide for Bronze Bow. We've been doing much of it orally. I do have her write down the vocabulary words and such. The boys got their T-n-T handbooks this week, and so have started working on them. I need to make time to go over their verses with them and make sure they are understanding the sections.

The boys learned how to borrow this week. I really need to add in subtraction math facts, but I'm not sure when/how. Math facts just don't seem to stick in Pooh's head. Tigger usually gets them after a while of just solving problems. I get frustrated trying to squeeze more into the day. They are already using xtramath and MathBlaster to drill math facts on their own.

I'm managing to squeeze history in with Rabbit before lunch, but sometimes that means the regular science doesn't get done, and then I forget to do it later (that and God and the History of Art book). The boys get their read aloud at bedtime, but have enjoyed the pages in the U.S. Facts and Fun book.

Speaking of read alouds, we are behind on Courage to Run because I misplaced it. I did find it, but we're now about two days behind. Not sure how to squeeze them in.

I also feel like I'm going to need to spend a little time on Saturdays with Rabbit. There is some new vocabulary in Saxon that she needs to learn, and she needs to spend a little time studying for Science. Plus, I find it hard to squeeze Writing Strands in during the week. 

I've been rearranging the days the last two weeks and making the light day be on Wednesday. I really wish I didn't have to switch days around like that and that it would just fall on Wednesday. Oh well.

It hasn't been bad after that horrible Monday, but I do wish things would get easier for my dyslexic kids.

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