Monday, August 18, 2014

CTG: Week 2; AHL: Week 7

This week we continued drawing subjects out of the jar. The boys really like it. It really mixes up the days.

This week I decided to add in Life of Fred Fractions and alternate it with Singapore 4A. The boys love Life of Fred. Fractions in Singapore have been a big challenge for them. I think they will get it, but it is going to take time.

We are pretty well enjoying Bible and History. I keep on forgetting to read the Victor Journey Through the Bible pages. My remedy is to put the book out on the coffee table as a reminder. They like the Dinosaurs of Eden book, too. Much of it repeats what we are reading in Bible time, but that's okay. I didn't read any other creation myths. I did tell them that there are several books in the book basket that have other creation stories, and that they should think about how the compare to what the Bible says. One of our projects for history was to go outside and measure the length of the ark. I remember when we did this with Rabbit. Here's our picture from this time:

Now, you can see our street is quite curved, so you'd have to follow the curve of the street to get 450 feet. I circled where Pooh is standing. You can't see it in this reduced-size picture, but there was also a hazard cone right next to him. The 450 feet went all the way to where Tigger is standing up close here. We are only about 10 to 15 yards from the other end of the street. That would be huge!

We started The Easy Spanish this week. We are doing it together, which I think they like better than doing it with Rabbit. I'm keeping it light - my main goal is for them to hear it pronounced and get comfortable with some of the words. I know they'll start to get the hang of it soon.

Art was not a favorite this week. Tigger really got frustrated with drawing ellipses. I told him it didn't have to be perfect, but he still wasn't happy about it.

And, of course, our number one subject is Science. They love Science in the beginning. We did lessons 3-5 this week. We were able to get lessons 3 and 4 experiments to work fine. For lesson 4, we just placed the plastic out on the patio since we don't have any south-facing windows. We were not able to get lesson 5 to work. Someone on the Facebook Creation to the Greeks group said she couldn't get it to work with printer paper, but she did with newsprint. I will have to try that. My guess is our magnifying glass doesn't make a small enough pinlight. The glass is kind of warped in the middle - it's some cheap magnifying glass that came with some toy kit or another.

The read aloud is a great book and we even read one day ahead on Friday.

For AHL, well, we didn't follow the lesson plans exactly (shhh! don't tell!). The lesson plans suggested that for the Exploring World History project we pick one of the two writing assignments. Well, Rabbit didn't understand that when she read the assignment, and so she picked one of the other projects: make an electronic display of pictures (like a PowerPoint slide show) that shows the influence of ancient mathematicians on today's world. (I knew by her expressions that she would be really, really upset if she had to do one of the writing assignments - she was already getting ideas for doing the other one.) So, I let her do it. But, I told her she had to do the presentation for Dad - since he has to give PowerPoint presentations all the time, I thought he should be the one to grade it. He gave her an A. Anyway, from now on I am going to read the lesson plans ahead on Friday to make sure we don't run into something like this again.

She is doing great with Spanish, and keeping up with Logic, so not much to report there. She got a couple of Spanish books from the library and is trying to read them. 

Math is her biggest challenge. She needs me to do it with her, but we can't work on it until after lunch since I am working with the boys in the morning. We're trying to do it right after Spelling - and Spelling isn't usually happening until after lunch, so it is 2:30 or 3:00 before we tackle it. 

Next week I'm going to have her start reading the Biology book. Our co-op starts the week after that. I haven't received any e-mails from the teacher, but I don't want her to be behind.

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