Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Week 2, Day 1 in ECC

I think I'm going to sound like a broken record...

The boys didn't want to do bulletin board time this morning, so Rabbit and I put out the flag and said the pledge. Then we came in and did cross crawls. As soon as we were finished, Pooh and Tigger wanted to show how they can do them too. But that was enough. We read in Window on the World about Animism. I was kind of hoping it would help Rabbit with her fear of going upstairs by herself (she thinks there are monsters or something up there), but no such luck. Maybe I should have tried to related it more to that.

After that we did a the calf stretches and then moved on to geography. When I looked at what was assigned for today, I thought, "Man, that's a lot." But we plowed through it. It took about an hour, especially explaining and practicing latitude and longitude. I think we still need to practice it, but she got through it. I really understand it now. Then we did Science. We read about Cycles in Nature. I showed Rabbit the pages, and asked her what she wanted me to read about, so we read about the Nitrogen Cycle.

During snack time we listened to our Power Glide CD tracks. I stopped it a couple of times to see if she could remember some things from last year, and she did! After recess, she did her handwriting page and science notebook page while I did preschool with the boys. We played with the shape and lace toys. When we finished with that, Rabbit was done. It was only about 11:15, so we did the "Writing 8's" again today. It took a good 30 to 35 minutes to do those. After lunch she did her math quiz, reading, and addition math windows.

It was a pretty low-stress day. And, we didn't spend all day on it. God has been so good to us.

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