Thursday, November 6, 2008

Week 10, Day 4 in ECC

Rabbit wanted to rush through the Pledge and her Awana verses today, but I made her slow down. We went through them 3 times each. Then we delved into our Bible time. The passage was the "Do Not Judge" passage, and the "Speck and Log" passage. I tried to help her understand what they were talking about, but I'm not sure how well I did. She does really well narrating the passage back.

Next we read from the Illustrated World Atlas about the Nature (animal and plants) of South America. There were a couple of places I had to reword about "global warming," but it was good. For science, we read about nocturnal animals of the jungle. Rabbit wanted to draw a deer mouse, but the image in the book wasn't very good, so we found a picture of one online, and copied that to her notebook page. I still had her try to trace it.

We had time, so we did some reading for 15 minutes. She is really enjoying the first 3rd grade reader from Abeka. I think it is good for her to still read aloud to me every day. It helps me see and hear where she is still struggling. Then I talked to her about Spanish. She agreed to try out the "Tell Me More" online. After getting us "set up" she spent about 20 minutes with it. We had to find a microphone that didn't have any buzz in it. It has things where a native speaker says a word, and then you say it, and it shows you the graph of the word, and you try to match it. She really liked trying that. We'll see how it goes. Right now we are only working on pronunciation and expression. Then she had snack and recess.

For seatwork, I had Rabbit work on her science page and then division math windows. I read a book to the boys, and then we played a game with this 2 inch frisbee they have. They love that. Then I got out the Lauri lower case letters and let them play with those, while I worked with Rabbit on her division math windows. She was finally starting to "get" it toward the end. I only had her do the numbers we've covered for multiplication. After writing eights, I had her do her sentence. She did an awesome sentence today. Then she did book basket.

After lunch, I let them play outside. It was a little cold, but they really loved it. The boys both napped. Rabbit and I worked on math, spelling, poetry and music, and we were done. No fussing or tears. I love it.

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