Monday, November 17, 2008

Week 11, Day 5 in ECC

Well, at least we were able to easily meet our 4 hour requirement, even on this Light and Independent Friday. (I know, really it is Monday).

I had forgotten (again) to get the kids verses ready, so I had to do that. We started late because of that. We then worked on the verses, and did ECC Bible time. After ECC Bible time, I still needed to print out the vocabulary pages for Rabbit, so she read the younger YWAM Nate Saint story to the boys. Rabbit prefers that I draw the pictures and she colors and writes, so that's what we've been doing.

That took us to snack time. After snack I had Rabbit work on writing a letter to Grandma, while I did preschool with the boys. I read them the story out of their Cubbies book, and we worked on their verse. They weren't keen on much else, so I did repatterning with Rabbit and then writing. She wrote a very good descriptive sentence today. She really is getting so much better at it. Spelling is still a challenge, but she is really trying. We also read the next story in our reader.

While I was making lunch, the kids watch a video called Families of Brazil (or something to that effect). The Teacher's Manual called for cooking, but the two recipes offered had milk products in them (whipped cream or condensed milk). I couldn't think of a substitute. But, in the video, it talked about what they typically eat, so I figure that covered it. One thing I really like about ECC is I don't feel bad if I don't follow things exactly - I feel like I have a lot more freedom to substitute something equivalent if I want (like if I don't feel like cooking some foreign recipe).

Rabbit watched the next chapter on the DVD while I put the boys down. Then we reviewed the right brained flash cards. After that we did the first workbook page for that chapter. Mostly we just need to review a lot to memorize those facts. Then we did spelling - she didn't miss a single word from last week - hooray! And, she did very well for this week's new words. The last thing I was going to work on with her was Spanish. She had been having a little bit of attitude issues through-out the school day, and they all came out during Spanish. She was mumbling and wouldn't speak clearly into the microphone, so the software was having a hard time figuring out if she was saying anything. After about 2 minutes I called it off. I was getting frustrated with her, and that's no good. I actually think she must of had some small amount of milk product sometime this weekend, because she had other behavior things that were indicitive of that.

Well, tomorrow we're off to Norway. I think it will be a better day. The kids always have lots of fun the first day into a new country.

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