Thursday, December 4, 2008

Week 13, Day 4 in ECC

With the little guys coming down with colds, they slept late, so we got started late. But, we did really well, all things considered. Working through Rabbit's Awana verses this week is taking quite a bit of time each day. It really does help her (and me!) learn the verses. Today's Bible passage was about when Jesus calls Matthew to be a disciple. We tried to talk about, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' and what that means, and how the Pharisees of the day were not practicing mercy.

For Geography Game time, we played with all 3 boards. We really haven't learned Europe that well yet, but we went ahead. I made the game cards a different color for each continent. North America cards are white, South America cards are neon yellow, and Europe cards are hot pink. This way Rabbit knows which continent to look for the country. She is having a hard time remembering "Portugal" for some reason, but she is doing way better than I am with the Eastern European countries. I think it is because they have changed since I learned them back in 6th grade.

After this, we did snack and Spanish. We went onto the next lesson, and this time did the "Performance Challenge" at the end of the lesson. I need to find out what "mole" and "pinole" are so we can understand the lesson just a bit more. I let the kids have a 15 minute "inside recess" as temperatures here weren't going to get out of the low 20's today. (Plus, we got 6 inches of snow!)

Rabbit worked some more on her Awana book and pen pal letter, while I did some preschool with the boys. We read a book, did calendar time, and then a puzzle. After that, I did writing eights with Rabbit. She really didn't want to, but she complied. Then I had her do her writing lesson. She wrote two sentences on her own. She did great. Then, I read aloud again from one of the books in the book basket.

After lunch, she did a math page, and we reviewed the times 3 right brained flash cards, and times 6 ones. She can do times 3, but it takes her a while. I need to remember to add in practice pages. Maybe I should start adding those into seatwork time so she gets more practice on those math facts. Then we did spelling, reading and poetry. She is really having trouble remembering how to spell "once." I've tried a bunch of right-brained tricks. She may be stuck on this one for a while.

We didn't do our nature walk yesterday or today, as it has been cold, and the kids all have stuffy noses.

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