Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Week 7, Day 2 in ECC

Well, considering we didn't quite do things in the usual order, things went pretty well. I forgot to do the pledge, and started with Rabbit's Awana verses. Then I remembered, and we did the pledge. After that, I completely missed Bible time, and plunged into geography. I saved coloring the Canadian provinces for seatwork. After doing geography, I remembered Bible. But, it worked out fine. Then we did science. The pages seemed really complicated, so I just had her tell me some of the things she learned from it, and we didn't do a science page (shhh! don't tell). I also haven't done any of the science experiments. Light and independant Friday is starting to look like "catch up on science Friday."

Then we moved on to Spanish/snack time and recess. We were actually a little ahead at this point, so they had a 20 minute recess. After recess, Rabbit took her seatwork (math drill page, and the provinces page to color), and I did preschool with the boys. I read them a book from this week's book basket, and then we did our "calendar" time. After that, the boys got focused on writing their names. I don't know where that came from. So, I worked with them both. What a challenge! Tigger actually did pretty good - if he can remember to start his letters at the top. He is going to make himself learn it, even if it is hard. Pooh is more of a challenge for me to teach - he is left handed. But, he made each of the letters in his name about two times. I was going to wait until they are 6 to start Kindergarten, but I may have to start next year. (My other thought was to do a year of My Father's World Kindergarten, and then a year of Abeka Kindergarten - or the other way around - just to really get those basic reading and writing skills firmly established.)

After that, it was time for writing eights. We are so close to getting completely through the alphabet! We started at "u" today, and then went to "z," then I did the numbers with Rabbit, and then started again at "a." We got all the way through to "p." That was only 4 letters shy of getting back to "u." Rabbit has been trying so hard the last two days. I am so proud of her and her attitude change. Last night she told Dad she was trying to pretend she was in a real class with lots of kids. Whatever works! Then she did book basket while I made lunch.

After lunch, she worked on her math test while I got the boys down for their nap. She only missed 2 questions, but she got all her facts right. So, the next two days we'll review all the math facts we've covered so far, and then do the first unit test on Friday. We did spelling next. She got yesterday's missed word correct, and then we just went until she missed 3. I forgot to set the timer. She missed "great," "okay," and "snail." There are just a few words left in the long-a sound group. I've been giving her to them in groups (as suggested by Crystal, over on MFW's message boards). So, we did a_e words, then ai words, then ay words, and then the only ea word in this group. All that is left is the eigh words and a couple that don't quite fit any of those patterns (like "change").

We wrapped up the day with reading and poetry, and then it was time for art. We were suppose to do an Inuit Soap Carving. We went Target last night, and I couldn't find any single bars of Ivory soap, so I got a "travel size" bar of Irish Spring. The Irish Spring was soft, but the travel size is small. (We don't use Ivory, and they only had packages of 8 at our local Target.) Then, Rabbit wanted to do a cat. So, we sketched in the cat and started carving. Poor cat eventually lost one of his front legs . My tips for this project: make sure you have a larger bar of soap; do an animal that doesn't have small appendages. Rabbit tried to do the "carving," but her hands were not strong enough, so I did the carving. What are mom's for, eh?

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