Monday, October 20, 2008

Week 8, Day 1 in ECC

Oh, it's good to be back.

We started off with our pledge and Awana verses for Rabbit. I think she'll do great on the next 3 or 4 sections we're working on. There is a lot of review in them. Then on to Bible. We read about the people of Greenland. I never knew all that about Greenland. I found it very interesting. Then we worked on our Bible memory verse for the week.

After that, we read about Canada's industry and animals. That was interesting. Then, we worked on the Geography Packet a little. We did the page about animals and the page about average temperature and rainfall. There were 2 animals we didn't know, but we didn't bother to look them up because we really needed to move on. We also didn't look up which animals were considered endangered. I think the bald eagle was considered endangered at one time, but I didn't think ony of the rest were. We'll check another day. We didn't have enough time to play the geography game.

We moved onto science, reading about animals that live near water. The platypus was a big hit with all the kids. They sure thought it was funny looking. Rabbit decided to do a science page about the tapir.

It was time for snack and Spanish then. Boy, I think Power Glide really kicks it up rapidly. I'm not making her do all the extras the first time through (we usually go through the book at least 3 times), but man, I don't even understand most if it, and I had 3 years of Spanish between high school and college.

After recess I did preschool with the boys while Rabbit started her seatwork. (Today, that includes a science page, copying our memory verse, and addition math wrap-ups.) I read this weeks Cubbies pages to the boys, and started work on the verse. They had trouble with the words, so we stopped that. With Tigger taking such an interest in writing, I pulled out the "Complete Book of Preschool Curriculum" and had them work on drawing lines from left to right. They did about 8 pages of those. Pooh is definitely left-handed. Then, we went back to the beginning of the book and worked on colors. I just talked to them about it, and pointed to pictures asking what things were and what color they were. When we were done, the boys wanted to work on the pages by themselves. I'm not sure we're quite there yet. I also did the pages on the floor. I should have done them at their desks. Pooh is good about sitting on the "down" side of the pages, but Tigger tends to sit to the side and ends up drawing his lines up instead of across. I'm really going to have to work with Tigger about up/down, across.

Anyway, after that, I went back to Rabbit to work on our writing-eights. She wanted different music, so now we have Tchaikovsky going. I think I'm going to have to go to the Library and see if I can find some more classical arrangements that Dianne Craft recommends for doing this therapy with. For English, today, we just worked on the poem that was in the ECC teacher's manual. We'll get back to Primary Language Lessons next week. After that, Rabbit did book basket and continued working on her seatwork while I started lunch.

After lunch, she watched the next lesson in math while I put the boys down, and then we did a page together. It is solve for the unknown with multiplication facts. She did okay, but we need to review some more. I also started going over the times 9 facts, as that's coming up next. Then we did spelling. She got all missed words from last week right except one: science. That's a hard word. I remember when I finally learned how to spell that one. It stuck in my head forever. Reading, poetry and music went great. She still has to finish up her science page, but a good day for us today.

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