Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Week 9, Day 1 in ECC

Have you noticed, the first day of a new country in ECC has lots of extra geography? Not that we didn't get it all done today, but I really notice this. Especially when this falls on a day when we're having a meeting at our house in the evening and I have a bunch of extra stuff that I want to get done once we're done with school! But, the amazing thing is, we got it all done. Every last bit of it: pledge, verses, geography, science, Spanish, English, book basket, math, spelling, reading, poetry, and music. Okay, we didn't do any of the advanced geography pages (shh! I haven't even got them copied yet).

We have the Nate Saint YWAM book for the younger kids and I knew Rabbit had already read it. I asked her if she remembered what happened to Nate Saint. She said she did. So, I asked her if she wanted me to read aloud the paperback book. She hemmed and hawed, and then decided no. I think I'm going to read it to myself (in those copious spare minutes that I have). I'm okay with this. She is young and sensitive. And, reading ahead in the teacher's manual, I know that Marie (the writer of the curriculum) handles this in a very gentle way. I think that's going to be enough for Rabbit.

The boys participated a lot in school today. Joining us for getting their passports "stickered" and looking at the maps. Rabbit is trying to encourage them with this. Then, for preschool we did the Flag Sticker books - finished up North America and then did South America. They really enjoy that. When a flag won't fit on a country, we put it in the ocean, and have them draw a line from the flag to the country name. They really like that.

Like I said, I'm amazed we got it all done, but we did.

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